15-Mar-2022 to 25-Mar-2022

#6532 Web-based SkySpark Essentials Training - Cycle Starts March 15th

Paul Bergquist Thu 3 Mar 2022

We are excited to announce that SkyFoundry Certified Essentials Instructor and Partner - BASSG will host the next cycle of training starting on Tuesday, March 15th 2022.


Class Availability: Open for registration


Students must register at this link in order to reserve a seat

DATES: The next cycle of SkySpark Essentials web-based training will start on Tuesday, March 15th. The training will be presented in eight consecutive 3-hour sessions:

  • Tue-Fri, March 15th - 18th from 11:30 AM – 3:00 PM CDT (Central Daylight Time) includes 30min break
  • Mon-Wed, March 21st - 23rd from 11:30 AM – 3:00 PM CDT (Central Daylight Time) includes 30min break

In addition, BASSG will be offering two additional and optional special topic days for all Essentials attendees:

  • Thu-Fri, March 24th - 25th from 11:30 AM – 3:00 PM CDT (Central Daylight Time) includes 30min break

The special topics will include:

  • ETL (Extract transform and load) demonstration examples using nHaystack, BACnet and SQL
  • Overview of View Framework capabilities
  • Advanced View examples and documentation review

Please reach out to BASSG for more details on the additional content.

With the Essentials courseware divided into 7 sessions, a full training cycle will utilize two weeks of calendar time. Because this is live interactive training, students registering for a class must plan to attend all sessions in a single cycle. It is not possible to mix students from different cycles together.

Attendance is limited to ensure the adequate ability for instructors to respond to individual students. Please be sure that you can be available for all sessions in the entire cycle before registering to attend.

COST: Web-based Essentials Training is $990 list per student.


In order to ensure the training goes smoothly, and everyone gets maximum benefit from the sessions we need to make sure everyone is prepared before the training sessions. Please review and follow these instructions in advance and confirm that you can achieve the requirements before registering.

Web-based Training Requirements and Instructions

Complete Module 1 – Installation of SkySpark Software and Review of SkySpark User Apps THIS IS SELF DIRECTED PREPARATION WORK REQUIRED BEFORE ATTENDING A LIVE SESSION -

The goals of Module 1 are a) for the student to have SkySpark installed on their own computer and b) to have familiarity with all of the user-oriented Apps (Spark, KPI, Energy, and Historian). Follow these instructions to accomplish these requirements:

Requirement 1. Get Familiar with SkySpark. Attend a SkySpark Deep Dive Demonstration webcast to get a detailed overview of the Apps and core concepts. A schedule of our upcoming SkySpark Demonstration webcasts can be found here

Contact us for access to a recorded version of the Deep Dive if it will not be possible to attend a live session (which is preferred).

Students are expected to utilize the information presented in the live demonstration and the training videos shown below to practice the use of the various SkySpark Apps to achieve competence with the product as a “user” BEFORE attending the live, instructor-led training sessions.

Note: You will need a user account on SkyFoundry.com to access these videos (see requirement 2 below).

3.0 End User Views

  1. Spark Views https://skyfoundry.com/doc/docTraining/SparkViews
  2. KPI Views https://skyfoundry.com/doc/docTraining/KpiViews
  3. Energy Views https://skyfoundry.com/doc/docTraining/EnergyViews
  4. Historian Views https://skyfoundry.com/doc/docTraining/HisViews

3.0 Admin Views

  1. Settings App https://skyfoundry.com/doc/docTraining/SettingsApp
  2. Rule Views https://skyfoundry.com/doc/docTraining/RuleViews

Requirement 2. All students need a user account on the SkyFoundry secure site. Please let us know as soon as possible if you need an account or have any trouble accessing your existing account.

Requirement 3 – A Licensed Copy of SkySpark. Each student must have their own computer and be able to connect to a licensed copy of SkySpark either installed on your computer or an accessible remote instance with at least 200 points of available capacity.

If you do not have SkySpark loaded on your computer or are not able to connect to a running copy of SkySpark that you will use for the training, please work with your internal SkySpark team, your SkySpark provider or contact SkyFoundry to get the software loaded on your PC. We are not able to address software installation issues in the live sessions.

For students whose organizations own a licensed copy of SkySpark but cannot “bring it with them” to class, SkyFoundry offers a training license that is active for appx 1 week before class and 1 week after class.

Note: The training is conducted with the latest version of SkySpark. All students should have the current version installed. The computer should be relatively modern with a current browser (Chrome, IE 11, Firefox, or Safari). You must also have local admin rights on your computer to do some of the exercises. We also recommend that students have two monitors connected during the training sessions.

Instructions for Installing SkySpark - Please read and follow the instructions in the Module 1 document found at this link

This document includes instructions for installing SkySpark as well as some pre-session work that will accelerate your understanding of SkySpark and help you get the most out of the class.

Modules 2 through 5 – Live, Instructor Lead Sessions Modules 2-5 are delivered as live, instructor-led webcast sessions. We recommend having the training materials on your computer ahead of time. The materials we will be using in the web-based instruction sessions can be found at this link

On the Day of Training:

  • Ensure you have access to a working copy of SkySpark
  • Please arrive 10 minutes before your scheduled session so we can start on time.

If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected]

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