
#4426 Insider Newsletter June 2019 – Adopting Analytics, SkyPosium 2019, Industry Recognition, Haystack 4…

John Petze – Mon 27 May 2019


We are excited to release the June 2019 SkyFoundry Insider newsletter. In this issue we explore many of the factors involved in the successful use of analytics, demystify the hype around the latest industry buzzwords, highlight new case studies and recognition, and provide a preview of our SkyPosium User Community events for 2019, and review the major advances in Haystack 4 which was recently released to public review. Find the latest issue at this link

Thanks again to all of the SkyFoundry community members – customers and partners alike – that to continue to advance the understanding of the critical role data plays in efficiently operating facilities, systems and equipment. With analytics, the data produced by devices becomes more valuable than the equipment itself.

We hope you enjoy!